If you feel strongly about a public issue or a local concern, Kirkland Lake Town Council encourages you to share your information and thoughts with them.
Because many issues can be resolved at the staff level, it is recommended that citizens discuss their concerns with Town of Kirkland Lake staff prior to appearing before Council. Staff can provide you with valuable background information on the issue in question, and/or recommend appropriate next steps that can remove the need to go to Council, or help set the stage for a meaningful and constructive interview with Council. For information on whom to speak to, please contact the Clerk's Office at 705-567-9361 ext. 238.
Requesting an Appearance Before Council
If you wish to appear before Council, please submit the following form along with any supporting documentation to the Clerk's Office. Forms may be submitted electronically or printed and mailed to:
Municipal Clerk
Town of Kirkland Lake
PO Box 1757, 3 Kirkland St.W.
Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3P4
Your form must be received by the Clerk's Office no later than the Tuesday prior to the Council meeting date you wish to attend. This gives the Clerk sufficient time to review your request, advise the Mayor and Council and, if necessary conduct background research into the issue. The Clerk will notify you as to which date you are invited to address Council. If you have an issue of importance, but you don't feel the need to speak in front of Council, you may address a letter to the Clerk or one of your Council Members. All letters receive a response in a timely manner.
Appearing Before Council
Public delegations are always the first item on the Council agenda. The Mayor or Acting Mayor will invite delegations to the Council table to speak on their issues. Delegation presentations are usually 10 minutes in duration. During the presentation, Mayor and Council may ask questions of the delegation, as well as Town staff. Upon closure of the discussion, Council may make a decision or refer the item to the appropriate department for further input or advice.
Council normally takes some time to review items before deciding what action to take on an issue. If you would like clarification on an issue discussed or decision made or the status of a decision, please contact the Clerk's Office.